Rainbow-Emitting, Eagle-Winged Goat / Choice

The Challenge:

Although Choice had been giving unbaised advice and reviews for over 50 years, Gen Y knew little about the consumer advocate organisation - resulting in dropping subscription numbers as the population aged.

The Insight:

Our research highlighted the choice paradox; that too much choice actually made consumers unhappy.

The Idea:

We targeted younger Australians by showing them the real benefit Choice provides it's members when making purchasing decisions. This freedom allows them to spend less time thinking about if they're making the right decision, and more time to think about the things that really matter - like how good it would be to have a rainbow emitting flying goat, for example.

The Impact:

The TVC engaged a new segment by targeting popular Gen Y memes - creating a piece of work that had cut-through to a usually pre-occupied, multi-screen audience. As a result, Choice had a boost in acquisition numbers for Gen Y and higher than average (21%) retention for viewers on YouTube.