The Challenge:
Help make Drambuie, a scotch liqueur drunk by grandparents at Christmas, relevant to a new generation.
The Insight:
Gen Y dream about changing their life and escaping their daily grind.
The Idea:
To get them to own the drink, first get them to own the bar. Introducing The Premise, a consumer engagement program giving Gen Ys one shot to create and run their own bar.
The Impact:
With over 25,000 unique site visits and 6,000 visitors to the winning bar, we successfully engaged tipping point opinion leaders to amplify our message well beyond the small budget and resurrect the Drambuie brand.
- 2 Gold, 1 Silver - W3 Awards, 2010
- 1 Silver, Microsite - BAD Awards, 2010
- Finalist ‘Best Advertising or Marketing’ - 2010 AIMIA Awards
- Featured in The Work 2011