Sit-Down Comedians / La Famiglia Kitchen

The Challenge:

The changing eating habits of the nation had reduced the meal occasion for the old family favourite garlic bread, causing La Famiglia Kitchen's chilled breads category to be in decline. Combined with the pressure of private label competition and low brand awareness, the brand was under threat of reduced shelf space and line deletion.

The Insight:

Every parent has a story of a funny conversation that they've had with their kids - from a ridiculous tale to an observation only seen through the eyes of babes. But with busier schedules and tech distractions, modern families now find it harder and harder to get time together, and these moments treasured by parents end up taking a back seat.

The Idea:

Sit-Down Comedians aims to get families away from the TV and back to the dinner table by celebrating the hilarious moments that happen over a shared meal started by La Famiglia.

By tapping into mum's video consumption behaviour, the 4-part branded content series starring Gyton Grantley was designed to target her proven preference for emotional content.

The campaign ran across Facebook, pre-rolls and digital banners, creating a strong connection to the brand and establishing a positive and relatable positioning that La Famiglia was lacking.

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